Why We Love P.E. by Jerome Jones – Children’s Book

Why We Love P.E. by Jerome Jones
Series: Healthy Kids Books
Published by Mascot Books on October 1, 2019
Genres: Action, Adventure, Children's Fiction, Confidence & Self Esteem, Grades 3-5, Health & Fitness, Life Skills, Sports
Pages: 38
Format: Hardcover, Kindle, Paperback
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Why We Love P.E. by Jerome Jones Illustrated by Jose Daniel Oviedo Galeano


Abby and Tommy are back for another adventure to promote healthy living and fun for kids of all ages. Today, they are having a debate about what the best part of P.E. class is. Will Abby and Tommy agree, or are there too many fun P.E. activities to decide?


Why We Love P.E. by Jerome Jones is a fun and exciting book about a brother and sister discussing and comparing their favorite activities and sports games that they enjoy participating in during physical education class aka P.E. Abby and Tommy have a great time talking and sharing with each other about what they love most when it comes to exercising and performing P.E. games. Tommy first shares his number one reason why he loves P.E. so much: seeing and making new friends with his other classmates of course! He also tells Abby how much he enjoys improving his teamwork building skills as well as fundamentals too!  When it’s Abby’s turn to share she her favorite P.E. game, it’s pickleball, along with how she loves the interactions of high fiving her teammates when they score a point!  The children discuss and debate throughout the book all of their favorite games and activities during their P.E. class!

Why We Love P.E. is a great and wonderful story that will definitely encourage children to become excited and happy about learning new skills and playing new games in their P.E. classes! It also describes the importance of improving fine motor skills along with hand eye coordination, setting personal goals and always having a good attitude by always participating, even if it’s a new game or may seem challenging at first. Why We Love P.E. has a fantastic positive message for kids about the importance of teamwork and always having a positive attitude and being a team player. A vital message for all children to learn about teamwork and a perfect way to release energy in a positive, fun and interactive way! The illustrations are bold and bright! Very eye catching for all ages and draws you right into the book with its amusing characters and lively scenery.

I also liked the fact that the story touches on the importance of eating healthy as well and how it is crucial for the body to function when doing such physical activities. Overall, Why We Love P.E. by Jerome Jones is a zestful and vibrant story filled with encouraging content to get any child excited about physical activities and the benefits of such. Kids Lit Book Café most definitely recommends Why We Love P.E. by Jerome Jones to any child or even to be read in a class setting to boost and enthuse kids to love such an important part of school.  And also to help develop confidence while performing any physical activity for any and all ages!
An enjoyable and entertaining story with an important life message!
Reviewed by Beatrix Bloom for Kids Lit Book Café

Purchase Why We Love P.E. by Jerome Jones for every child in your life today!
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Rating Report
Overall: five-stars